Fun Food Equipment

Cotton candy machine

Cotton candy machine.

Daily Rate: $50

Grill, charcoal (2′ x 5′)

Large charcoal grill, adjustable grate.

Daily Rate: $55

Grill, gas with 1 tank of LP

Rent Now

Household sized gas grill with 1 tank of propane. 15″x19″ (280 sq. in.) Cooking Surface. 26,500 BTU

Weekly Rate: $66

Grill, lp commercial Lg.

Grill and lp.

Daily Rate: $105

Grill, LP, commercial Med.

Grill & lp

Daily Rate: $89

Grill, LP, commercial Xlg.

8 burner lp grill (tank included)

Daily Rate: $115

Grill, LP, towable roaster (includes 1 full tank)

Daily Rate: $175

Hot Dog roller grill

Daily Rate: $45

Hot dog steamer

Daily Rate: $35

Popcorn machine

6 oz. popcorn machine. We stock the accessories. 

Daily Rate: $50

Sno-kone machine

Cool refreshing sno-kones made easily for any event.

Daily Rate: $45